Noted: New Logo and Identity for Planet by Tundra

“Once Upon a Climb”

New Logo and Identity for Planet by Tundra

(Est. 2020) Planet is an indoor climbing facility in Petit-Lancy, Switzerland. And, yeah, that's all you need to know.

Design by
Tundra in collaboration with Francesco Carletto (Turin, Italy)

Related links

Images (opinion after)

New Logo and Identity for Planet by Tundra
Icon variations based on climbing movements.
New Logo and Identity for Planet by Tundra
Logo variations.
New Logo and Identity for Planet by Tundra
Logo construction.
New Logo and Identity for Planet by Tundra
Business card.
New Logo and Identity for Planet by Tundra
Membership card.
New Logo and Identity for Planet by Tundra
Welcome kit.
New Logo and Identity for Planet by Tundra
New Logo and Identity for Planet by Tundra
New Logo and Identity for Planet by Tundra
New Logo and Identity for Planet by Tundra
Facility shots.

There isn’t much to go on for this project and it’s not the best presented case but I thought there was something cool and satisfying about the icon worth sharing. Abstract human sprite shapes are hard and usually a turn-off but I felt like this managed to create something interesting out of that limitation with a contorting abstraction that is sometimes literal (as in the top-left version of the “logo variations” image) and sometimes not at all (as in the bottom-left version where who knows what is going on). The animation manages to capture the pretzeling climbers will put themselves through when going up and sideways on a wall. In static form, the logo is not as successful but it does manage to establish a “fitness” personality. The wordmark is a little a clunky and the descriptor in a light, super-tracked-out serif has nothing to do with anything. The applications could also be a lot better but when the logo is plastered on the gym itself, it comes together nicely and convincingly. Overall, this could use one more round of identity refinement to support the hard-working icon.

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